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Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:26 pm
by Nephris
Basicly I generate the mission at 20:00h MET, and start the mission at 20:15 MET.
Of course we always got 5 mins on top, if we need to wait for s.o.

In case of a start crash we willl restart once.A start crash in the relaunch means waiting for the next turn.

C ya this evening

The past missions led to some losses of machines for blue and red aswell.
For not getting losses in the total count of planes I activated the plane downgrade, which means if a flight has less than the minimum flight size of 2 machines, the downgrade kicks in. So if blue has just 1x Bf109F4 available, the downgrade kicks in and the flight will be substituted by 4x Bf109E4 to provide the max number of planes. This belongs to all planes of course.
Each squadron get a resupply rate of 1 plane /mission.

The alternatives would be either a static number of all planes, and each side can crash planes without consequences or we accept losses in the total plane count of the mission.

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:03 am
by :FI:Armitage
Sorry for arriving late today and holding up the start. I'll be on time next week.

Is there a stats page? the link appears to be to the mission?

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:04 am
by :FI:Armitage
Opps i found the stats

JG42 DCG Coop Campaign @ 02.02.2013

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:07 am
by Nephris
Hi folks,
thx for joining the maps today again.
Hope you enjoyed the 2h as we did.

The lastest stats are up2date, aswell the frontline on the overview.
In short, both sides were able to destroy most armored units at critic locations,
nevertheless blue was able to push the frontline at 2 locations in the north.
The important frontline part in the south is still stable.

DCG stole us today 2 days, means we actually should have generate a mission for the 18th and 19th.
However, this didnt irritate the movements of troops or had any influence on the battlefield but plane resupplies.

Congratz to Blue2 and Genosse who got the first medals for =FI=.
Fighter Cross 5th class - plane kill streak of 3
Groundwar Medal in sheet metal - ground kill streak of 5

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:46 am
by Nephris
Good morning gentlemen,
I want to inform you about a little change to our campaign.
When we started the campaign in the beginning of January, we never expected more than 10 pilots at max.
Last sunday we had 18 pilots on the server, which is fantastic.
Crashing at startup or in the beginning of a mission, can be very frustrating when you have to wait for the next misison, awhile your m8s shotting beans into the air.Not everyone is able to join at the same time.A hardware defect or software issue like disabling Force Feedback or TrackIr etc leads also into a wait or maybe a restart.
I cant garantee to host the evenings and mission each sunday, but we dont want to interrupt our regular events.
So we rethought the way how to manage our sunday meetings to get the best of both worlds.

The last off. patch gave us MDS, which enables us to play a mix of dogfight & coop. AI planes are flying and vehicles/tanks moving like in coop mode, but MDS offers spawnpoints, like a dogfight server does.
That way we can determine the time to start the mission like 20:15h met, and everyone else can join later and hop into the game without waiting for the next start.
Each mission will run 1h,we keep running 2 missions/evening. After the first mission got finished, the next one will be generated by DCG and we start the second mission again for 1h (maybe more, needs a bit testing here).
Each pilot has 2 "lives" per mission. The pilot will be kicked off the server after his third death ( i know it is not the finest english, but I hope a good compromise).
A positive effect is of course the possibility to track & load statistics via a database. I will check if our present stats can be added/imported to the database.
The campaign keeps going on from the same position,frontline and date we left it last sunday.
FG28 Randy ,noticed the bad visibiltiy of russian gauges, so we will activate the speedbar.

At the end, for pilots everythings keeps the same, but you can spawn into the mission and dont need to fly with AI pilots in your flight.

As the Fighitng Irish represent the backbone of the Red Side of Power, we are of course interested in your thoughts about this or maybe your questions.

The most important point is imho to keep the "smooth & almost relaxing" character of those evenings.

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:05 am
by Nephris
Just a note,( given on the question of an another squad member)
The AI routines keep the same as in Coop mode, means AI planes and ground troops move and do their job as usual.
DCG campaign keeps running same way as usual.

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:38 am
by :FI:Nellip
I have written some missions using MDS in the past. A couple of observations: if the flight distances are long the action gets very sporadic as the mission progresses, whereas in a coop you get lots of planes coming together the action with MDS is smaller dogfights. A way round that is to reduce the number of different targets so people are flying to the same map locations and are more likely to run into each other.

Great job on the campaign by the way. Really enjoying it so far. =D]

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:16 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Soda made us some very successful DCG DF mode campaigns for HE back in the day before mods

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:39 pm
by Nephris
Maybe there is s.o. in your squad ,who knows how to install either the Iil2Sc Stats module correct or the FBDJ stats modul. I am still struggling to get it properly working.
The Server Commander aswell as the FBDJ connecting to the server and the SC also loads mission and everything but ffs the MYSQL doesnt load correct. I can see the entries in the database, but the pilot isnt transfered to the statics website. The website shows the mission playing and number of pilots but not the pilot itself.

Well, maybe there is s.o. who already got one of the stats webpage working and can gimme a hand.

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:08 pm
by Nephris
Hi folks,
hope you enjoyed the evening. I guess the solution of MDS server is a much more comfortable for all pilots.
However I hope we will be able to get the stats running properly soon.The database entries seem to be done but the transfer into the frontend is still a problem.

We cant do the total stats anymore by hand, as we did in the pure coop sessions, as it costs too much time for around 3 flights/pilot/mission. ...foreigners ahead [-o<

It looks like the MLR is neither able to manage the html export of dogfight logs into the html template, I still get error msgs, but i will have an eye tonight on that issue again.**fixxed
The single stats are online now.

Ashame most blue pilots didnt want to give it a third shot yesterday evening, but as most of them are working the other day their deadtime is reached around 22h.
Nevertheless I will increase the mission time from 60 to 90mins, which means at least 2 expanded flights into enemy area.

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:34 pm
by :FI:Armitage
No stats? I killed loads of ground targets in my trusty IL2 and I was looking forward to getting some medals for ground targets destroyed.

Poor me :-(

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:57 pm
by Nephris
:FI:Armitage wrote:No stats?
Well I save the eventlogs, so it can maybe uploaded to a working system.

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:57 pm
by Nephris
Mission Stats updated ;)

Intel Report for next mission and correspond with the map
German forces are concentrated around Volokolamsk (M-15). German forces are retreating from Iznoski Airstrip (J-5). S
Soviet forces are concentrated around Partizan Bridge180 (I-12).
Heavy fighting reported at Partizan Bridge (I-12).
Heavy fighting reported at Klementievo (N-11).
Heavy fighting reported at Uvarovka Airstrip (K-10).
Heavy fighting reported at Uvarovka Sukov (K-9).
Heavy fighting reported at Iznoski Airstrip (J-5).
Heavy fighting reported at Medyn Airfield (L-4).
Reports indicate that there is intense fighting at Volokolamsk (M-15)

Maybe you notice the coloured dots on the map, which represent the "location", which definate the distance a coloumn can move within one mission. That way you can also recover the complete road system all vehicles use.

I will check if I can adapt the files for an english briefing.

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:12 pm
by :FI:Wolfhound
Medals, Eamonn ,Seriously!! #-o

Re: January 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:55 pm
by Nephris
Do you have a pilot called Jester in your squadron?
He killed in his 3 yaks at least 2 red planes...
Is that maybe the one you were asking for ingame for flying blue planes wit hred insignias?