Phew, what an exercise...
When was the last time i got some sleep?, oh yes, 49 hours ago

Oh well, when i get home, i´ll probably sleep the whole weekend, exept sunday of course, because of the machine match
No wait, Bf2 SF is in the stores.... so much for the sleeping
They argue that they want to resupply me,I answer if I want resupplied I'll take care of it.
Yeah, you gotta be carefull of when and where to ask supply, because that supply create can give your location away for the enemy...
Nice sig btw
Thank you Finbar! If you want one, visit" onclick=";return false;. If you want a custom sig, you gotta edit the code yourself, but i think it´s worth the trouble and time

"If the thought of doing something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it."