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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:39 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Yes, i still do a lot of sniping ;)

Although recently i´ve been concentrating more on beeing a commander (every change i get).

There are some maps, i always play as a sniper (Like Mashtuur city; a snipers paradise) And when i´m not sniping, i´ll play as AT or assault... I´ve never liked that spec ops or engineer that much...

Snipers unlock was my first unlock (of course) But that was a big dissappointment... M24 does everything better (exept going through a choppers canopy)

Yeah, i´m only couple of hundred points away from my next promotion, and i really cant decide, which weapon to unlock next.. My GF is going away for next weekend, so i´m definetly going to be promoted next saturday ;)


Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:38 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
But if she's going away how will you get "promoted"? Wait, you mean in BF2, gottcha. :D

Seriously, no sniper upgrade. Ok.

As for the Engineer, he's good as long as you have a tank. I like to repair under smoke cover. Can usually last a long time in a match, unless the other team really gets sick of me. ;) But, certainly no fun running around and with no mines to play with. :( You have to be so close to kill anyone with that bloody shotgun. ](*,)


Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:04 pm
by Finbar1
Ijust love the PKM.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:18 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
:FI:Finbar1 wrote:Ijust love the PKM.
Great minds think a like mate! That became my latest upgrade. Now I forget why I said "great minds" but then I digress. ;) I hope in the next few days to practice with it a bit. Best way to check out it's accuracy is to shoot at a wall from various positions and distances.


Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:59 pm
by Finbar1
Tact watch the drop m8 after about 70 meters your shooting at Australia.Bags of ammo havent run short yet.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:27 am
by Sapper-FIN
Wow, have you guys ever tried Ak-74, the weapon of MEC spec ops?

I was amazed, of how good that weapon is... Because of it´s accuracy, it´s easy to get kills with it, because all the bullets go right where they are supposed to.... I even earned "basic spec ops combat badge" yesterday :D .... Which is kind of funny, because i already had it...

Ok, GF is gone now, for the weekend, i´m gonna play ´till i drop :lol:


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:48 am
by Sapper-FIN
This is weird... i used to have basic command-badge, but not anymore.... I wonder where did it dissappear? :?


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:54 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Sorry, but I called EA and explained that you already had that badge. They said they would fix the problem in the same manner as their latest patch. I guess that meant taking it completely from you. :D

Happy BF2 gaming you addict! :shock:


Thanks for the tip Finbar. She has a slower rate of fire but still a fine upgrade provided you use the right maps and tactics. It has a deep "bang-bang" sound that certainly sounds scary. :badgrin: ;)


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:33 pm
by Finbar1
She's deadly from about 2 to 70 meters.In CQ you have to be quick but I have managed to take out some G3 toting players.
However LAG can still get you killed emptied a whole mag into a guy he turned round(yeah I like to creep up on them) and nailed me with one shot.....go figure.
Am going to go for my engineers award on Sunday,I cant get the hang of sniper at all have experimented with all the weapons even the unlock,tried aiming high,aiming for the neck,up close, you name it I could do more damage throwing marshmallows at them .Next unlock will be spec ops,still love the APC'S though as long as you keep moving,btw patch 1.3 allows you to destroy mines by shooting them has to be a cannon or main gun but it can apparently be done.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:28 am
by Sapper-FIN
Sorry, but I called EA and explained that you already had that badge. They said they would fix the problem in the same manner as their latest patch. I guess that meant taking it completely from you.
:lol: :lol:

I made it to staff sergeant last night :D Now i have this problem of which weapon to unlock... Engineer´s unlock is out of the question... same with assault... that leaves me with medics L85 or spec ops g36..

Cant decide...


Sap "I´ll NEVER drink alcohol again" er :O~


I bought BF2 today...

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:51 pm
by :FI:Fenian
I like it. It takes a bit of getting used to the weird set-up for single player... I always feel like it's connecting to the Net for some strange reason.....

But so far I prefer COD... you shoot, you kill.

What I don't understand is why you call for a medic when you're already dead.....


Fun though ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:19 am
by :FI:TacticalS!
'cause he can come over with those shock pedals and revive you. You're just critically injured mate. Guess it's a lame way of encouraging team work Fen. ;)

One of the things you need to realize with modern warfare (BF2) is that the soldiers are wearing protective armour. Hence the additional shots needed. Also, the physics are better modelled. Each weapon has a certain range. You can still take folks down quickly, but the bullet(s) needs to be hitting the head. This difference can be frustrating at first. I bet after some more practice you will see (hopefully) how this works exactly.

Please let us know how you are progressing with the game, and let us know if we can provide any tips. I like reading over at Total Battlefield 2 - . There are also many other great sites too.


Will do...

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:21 am
by :FI:Fenian
I'll have another sorti or two today...

I must admist the 'goal' oriendted aspect of the game is good, as is the ebb and flow of victory.

Can't get that jet off the ground though, and my copter flying leaves a LOT to be desired... :lol:

The speed boats are cool though, as are those little dune buggy thingies...


Tell me - which patch do I need for the game and where can I get it?


Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:20 pm
by :FI:Deadhand
HI Fenian,

what is your opinion about BF2

i considering buying it , not instead of Cod2 but beside ..

plz your 50 cents

It's good fun

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:59 pm
by :FI:Fenian
I like the fact that you can jump in and out of vehicles and can change sides and pic your role - special Foreces, Assault, Anti-tank, engineer etc.... It adds another dimension to game play.

I do seem to get killed quite a lot, but I reckon that's because I'm new at it.

The other thin I like it that you can call in support artillery etc. - but you'd best keep your head down ;)

I reckon I'll get my $50 worth over the next few months. The graphics are pretty good and the range of weapons is also good :)

I just feels a little unreal to me - mainly doe to the fact that I'm a WWII kinda guy..... howesoever, it is still worht the money in my opinion....

Hope this helps!