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Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:22 pm
by :FI:Macca
:FI:Nellip wrote:If we decide to stick with 4.05 for another week I have a polite suggestion for Sunday which we could run in that version.

I am putting together a movie depicting an Arctic convoy in 1942 using in game shots from both FB/AEP/PF and SH3. I have written a couple of missions depicting air attacks on the convoy. I could just use AI and run these as single missions but I think I might get some more interesting shots using human pilots.

Mission one is He111 torpedo and Ju88 dive bomb attacks on a convoy using the Coral Sea map (lots of water :lol: ) and the convoy is defended by Hurricanes from an escort carrier. We would need people to fly both sides. German aircraft are air starts, Hurricanes will take off and land (hopefully :lol: ) on the carrier - without a tail hook this is easier said than done!

Mission 2 uses the Murmansk map and is land based Spitfires (the RAF sent some Spitfires to Russia specifically to protect this convoy) against attacking He111's and Ju88's, with Bf109F escorts.

I will record and then put footage from the coop into more staged shots I am putting together to match the "script".

Any thoughts on this idea guys?

First draft of the "script" is as follows:

Convoy Movie Plan
  • 1. Titles – PQ18 – Arctic Convoy.
    2. Titles – 2nd September 1942. The tide of war was still with the Axis powers. In Europe, the German army is advancing on Stalingrad. In the Western desert the Afrika Corp has been halted at the first battle of El Alamein, but the decisive battle is still to be fought. In the Pacific the forces of Japan are gaining huge swathes of territory. The Battle of Midway has dealt a blow to the Japanese Navy but on land gains are still being made.
    3. Titles – British and American vital war supplies are being sent to the Soviet Union via the White Sea ports of Archangel and Murmansk. The perilous northern route means convoys running the gauntlet of Luftwaffe forces in Norway and occupied Russia, and the U-boat fleet.
    4. SH3 distance shot of merchants and escorts in rough seas – text – “In Loch Ewe, Scotland, the Convoy PQ18 assembles ready for the passage to Russia.”
    5. SH3 shot of escort destroyer
    6. FB distance shot of carrier and escorts with Hurricanes deck – text – “The Escort Carrier HMS Avenger will be the first convoy carrier escort of the war.”
    7. FB close up shot of Hurricanes on the deck of the carrier (Sneaky Skins).
    8. FB shot of 8 airborne RAF Spitfire Vb’s flying North – text – “The RAF sends Spitfires and Hampdens to Russia for additional air cover….”
    9. FB shot of crashed plane – text – “…but one of the Hampdens crashes in Norway and the Germans capture the plans.”
    10. SH3 shot of U-boat leaving Bergen – text – “Admiral Doenitz sends out his “Grey Wolves” to intercept the allied convoy….. “
    11. FB shot of He111’s (KG26) and Ju88’s on an airfield – text – “…..whilst on airfields in occupied Norway and Russia the Luftwaffe are ready.”
    12. FB distance shot of Luftwaffe Ar196 flying boat (or SH3 if Bv138 available in game).
    13. SH3 distance shot of convoy sea level
    14. SH3 distance shot of convoy from altitude – text – “12th September, the convoy is spotted by a German reconnaissance aircraft.”
    15. FB shots of He111’s with torpedos and Ju88’s with bombs taking off from airfield.
    16. FB shots of Luftwaffe aircraft flying to target over land then sea.
    17. FB shots of attack on convoy, Hurricanes defend. (Coop shots?)
    18. SH3 shots of sinking and burning ships – text – “During the attack the convoy loses 8 ships.”
    19. FB shots of He111 and Ju88 attacks – heavy flak – shots of German aircraft being downed and damaged – text – “the following day the Luftwaffe return but the defenders are ready and a heavy toll is taken”
    20. SH3 shot of convoy sea level.
    21. SH3 underwater shots of submarine.
    22. SH3 periscope shot
    23. SH3 torpedo attack on convoy – various shots
    24. SH3 shot of convoy sea level – plus ice bergs
    25. FB shots of Luftwaffe attacks north of Murmansk using coop footage
    26. SH3 shot of ships in Murmansk harbour
    27. Credits

If you need some SH3 shots to be taken -let me know, I love tihs game:)

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:52 am
by Badger
Tried for 2 hours last night to land a Hurri on a British carrier and either nosed down (too much brakes) or rolled off the end! :( Wheels up works well though! :D

Had minimum fuel on the Mod version. Will try the others to see if there's any difference.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:26 am
by AltarBoy
I remember someone online placed 2 carriers end to end to allow landing of all types of aircraft. Not historical of course but it worked.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:01 pm
by :FI:Falcon
We can always use Seafires

and squint a lot?



Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:27 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
:FI:Badger wrote:Tried for 2 hours last night to land a Hurri on a British carrier and either nosed down (too much brakes) or rolled off the end! :( Wheels up works well though! :D

Had minimum fuel on the Mod version. Will try the others to see if there's any difference.
I tried the llb and the Gladiator from a static. ( snow and rain).

The Hurricane will take off - lots of (right) rudder , WEP and flaps at last minute.

Spawning in 1/3rd the way up the deck does the Gladiator no favours as it's only going 40 kts at the end of the deck.If you taxi to the stern take off is possible.

As far as (me) landing goes , Willie summed it up - "gnarly"

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:36 am
by :FI:Nellip
:FI:Badger wrote:Tried for 2 hours last night to land a Hurri on a British carrier and either nosed down (too much brakes) or rolled off the end! :( Wheels up works well though! :D

Had minimum fuel on the Mod version. Will try the others to see if there's any difference.
I tried it last night and managed it first time 8)

But then tried 6 more times and crashed in 6 different ways :lol:

That was on a moving carrier - and Illustrious, not the escort version.

Shots of Hurricanes landing on the carrier may not feature on the movie :lol:

What'll be tonight?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 7:59 pm
by :FI:Genosse
Anyone? :shock:

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:34 am
by Gurkesaft
Thanks for having me in the group today! Sorry for my confusion and inability to land. I can work on the landing, but the confusion is probably here to stay.

I had extreme difficulty spotting people and figuring out who was on what side. I hope that passes, but it's darn difficult when the plane is comprised of about 4 pixels on my monitor and the field of view is so small. My tactic at the end was to find a plane and just follow it until I happen to see if there was a red circle on the wings or not (or if when it shot, someone on my team started complaining). Of course, this was all after the first round where I lost track of 5 and 6 suddenly and found myself flying in a random direction away from the action, eventually flew home, and crashed.

I'd like to thank Gadje for dropping out of *nowhere* and ripping me a new poohole in the second round. I have to say, at that point I was just glad to have some planes near me at all. At least I got a chance to make a few holes in a bomber somewhat first.

All in all it was a good experience. I felt very welcome--Scott even went so far as to burst into flames when I accidentally hit him. Hope to see you all next Sunday or so!


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:10 am
by Badger
Hey Jack, practice makes perfect!! Besides your recongnition tehnique is what we all use, espesh with those Oscars. You've gotta confirm identity before you shoot - it's the law! :) You did great! At least you got back to the airfield - many didn't! :oops:

See you sunday or before in HL!


P.s. Don't be put off by the 30 minute delay in starting, we started in under 10 minutes last week. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:51 am
by :FI:Nellip
:FI:Macca wrote: LOVE IT!!!!

If you need some SH3 shots to be taken -let me know, I love this game:)

Any help with SH3 shots would be welcome.

I am using FRAPS for the video capture and then Virtualdub for filtering and compression.

Basically any good shots of a VIIb or c in rough seas, torpedo hits and sinking ships etc could be used. If your keen to do this send me a PM and I will give you some more details on settings I am using. I have written a couple of missions that are set up for taking shots - maybe I could mail these to you?


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:37 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
Ok guys, we are flying this Sunday(28/01/07) coming, whats it to be - 4.05 or 4.071?


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:24 pm
by :FI:Scott
Im easy- either/or.

If we could decide now it would give everyone the chance to check their set up before we start (and maybe avoid some of the delays)

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:02 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Me too. Either/or; but it would be nice if everyone has 4.071.


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:03 pm
by :FI:Nellip
Poll result in the squadron forum was overwhelmingly for 4.071 - 17 for, 1 against.

Given you can now download 4.07 then the issues for US and Canadian members are less so I suggest we go with 4.071 as the Sunday Coop version.


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:45 pm
by :FI:Scott
gurkesaft wrote:.

All in all it was a good experience. I felt very welcome--Scott even went so far as to burst into flames when I accidentally hit him. Hope to see you all next Sunday or so!

I seem to recall it being a damn fine shot Jack !