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Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:28 pm
by Guest
If I said I saw Hendrix and the Doors live does that give my age?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:07 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Thx Gen!

Hmmm, in Finland, it´s not the birthday-guy who´s got to buy the booze :lol:


Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:49 am
by :FI:TacticalS!
Anonymous wrote:Tact
If I said I saw Hendrix and the Doors live does that give my age?
Who's Hendrix? ;)

And this is Stovies right? :D

Last night enjoyed a more success time at a server called Old Farts. Seemed to fit right in there for some reason. :lol:

Did you guys know about a new stat tracking thingy where they can graph your score over a period of time. Heck, wouldn't take much to see my graph go up.

Check it out here -


Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:06 am
by Stovies_
Hey Macca,

I got my stats thingymeejig here" onclick=";return false;

Tact I signed up to the bf2trend site but havent seen it yet, as I forgot I signed up (old age)

Off to check now :shock:

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:14 am
by :FI:Macca
Thx Stovies and Sapp!

You saw Hendrix LIVE?????

oh man....

purple haze......



Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:32 pm
by Finbar1
Anonymous wrote:Tact
If I said I saw Hendrix and the Doors live does that give my age?
Sorry am using various peeps PC,s thus the accidental anonimity.

Finally Got Some Medals!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:09 am
by :FI:TacticalS!
Ok I realize you boys have more (whispers - but you have been playing the game longer, plus, like you're good at it too ;) ), but here's a quick shot at my BF2 medals. And not like a certain German mate we all know, these are real - no bear medals here folks! :D

As of September 24, 2005


Got my hatswitch working for planes and helicopters. Not sure if it will really be that useful but nice in the BlackHawk.

I also fixed a mouse button assignment problem I was also having with my MX510. I think my current button configuration is a keeper. :o


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:48 pm
by :FI:Moog
Tact, how'd you get the hatswitch assigned to views?

...and can you switch (ha!) between snap views and scroll views and then assign a button to re-centre?

That's 'center' to you New World types ;)

Hmmm, and the 'Internal View' command would probably do the job.

I haven't dared to look at my medal thing yet for fear I might not find anything other than Purple Hearts...

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:17 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
:FI:Moog wrote:Tact, how'd you get the hatswitch assigned to views?
In your CONTROLS.CON file in your ...\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0001 directory:

Find in the Airplane section (ControlMap.create AirPlayerInputControlMap):

ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIMouseLook IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftCtrl 0 0

and replace with:

ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PIMouseLook IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftCtrl 0 0 ControlMap.addButtonsToAxisMapping c_PIMouseLookX IDFGameController_0 IDButton_13 IDButton_15 0 ControlMap.addButtonsToAxisMapping c_PIMouseLookY IDFGameController_0 IDButton_12 IDButton_14 0

IDFGameController_0 is your system's joystick
IDButton_13 is your joystick's right HAT button
IDButton_15 is your joystick's left HAT button
IDButton_12 is your joystick's up HAT button
IDButton_14 is your joystick's down HAT button


The only thing I had to do differently is change the joystick button numbers as they were different for my MS Sidewinder 2. Also, I only decided to use the left and right pan as up and down was very (very) limited and basically useless.

You will also have to do the exact same thing in your Helicopter section, which immediately follows the airplane controls.

As mentioned, with my setup I use left and right on the hatswitch to pan oddly enough left and right. :D

You still have to press a button to enter "mouse look mode." That button is one of my buttons on the joystick's base (the others I use for Map, Flares and Turbo for Jets).

When you let go of the "mouse look mode button" it automatically re-centres your view.

I press up on the hatswitch to toggle my cockpit views, and press down to show my external rear view.

There are other methods but this one keeps things simple without the need of a third-party utility. I wished it had TIR support. :(

:FI:Moog wrote:I haven't dared to look at my medal thing yet for fear I might not find anything other than Purple Hearts...
I doubt that very much mate. :roll: With your quick reflexes I'm sure you're doing great.


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:53 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Hmmm... Anyone figured out, how does that bombsight in a jet works??


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:56 pm
by Finbar1
Just discovered that I have 66 hours on this sim.
Leading scorer has like zillions..... more than 10 hours a day for months.
Now theres a story I would like to hear.
Here are his stats. ... d=44925574" onclick=";return false;

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:38 pm
by :FI:Macca
Gosh , that's a killer...

Here are my stats... :oops:


yes, I know.....poooor...

But I still really love te game,though soetimes I am very very very nervous when I get killed at spawnpoint....

or right after I join the game nad it is stuttering for a few seconds.....


Cool game:)


"That educated" Macca


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:38 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Either he´s a big time cheater, or he doens´t have any life :lol:

And i thought that i spend too much time with this game...


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:40 pm
by :FI:Macca
He met his current wife playing Quake 3 Arena online, for their 5th anniversary they decided to buy BF2 and meet for the first time in RL.




Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:15 pm
by Sapper-FIN
He met his current wife playing Quake 3 Arena online, for their 5th anniversary they decided to buy BF2 and meet for the first time in RL.
:lol: :lol: