I don't need to watch any stinking videos - I was finally part of the :FI: fun!
Been way too long mates since I enjoyed a Sunday session. Despite the smack talk, I was really sweating at times - a great thrill!
Love both DF maps. Luckily I had some experience with landing the Seafire. Here's what I do mates for anyone still struggling with this particular plane (please improve upon this guys).
- I fly perpendicular in front of the aircraft carrier at 200 metres high, speed @200 km/h, dropping flaps (landing), gear, hook, and then opening canopy. I'll put on my landing lights if there is traffic.
- I turn and fly parallel to ship until it is in my far six. With the Seafire a 50% throttle should keep you at your present settings (I keep rads closed and 100% prop pitch).
- I then turn again throttling up as necessary to maintain settings, at @180-200 metres high I line up, and slightly point my nose down and/or reduce some power and drop.
- I'm at @100 metres high as I approach the ship, but still with a decent amount of speed - say 160 km/h.
- Once I'm almost over the ship, I'll cut throttle (still will be around 50-80 metres high at this point), and should gentle "coast" to the finish line.
I tried to learn that perfect way, coming in at stall speed and lower but I just kept kissing the back end of the carrier.
The trick of course is staying above 10 metres (20 metres for Japanese carriers) with some decent speed.
For those who can come in at stall speed and just inches from the carrier deck I salute you! I just want to land the bloody thing in one piece and collect my points. I landed in all three attempts (though damaged my plane in the last one).
By the way, I was so glad some other mates were still struggling with this new aspect of the game. I have destroyed my fair share of planes also. I guess misery does like company.
Where's my new stats SnoopBaron? I actually got lucky and spanked a few mates yesterday. Enjoyed it all - the kill on Snoopy; killing Gen in his parachute (nice!
); watching fellow teammates trying to ram our carriers
; and that nice two-kill rocket vulching by Rab.
Hoping to fly with you Rogues again next week. After Christmas (and the next patch with some maps, planes and fixes) I hope to make some COOP missions and scripted DF maps. I'll also improve upon some of my Western and Eastern front missions. You guys know we are getting some new Eastern front maps, right?
Best regards,
Tact - "back from the dead" - S!