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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:53 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Thanks for the tip Doc.

Mind you-


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:02 am
by :FI:Wardog
Damn I may not be able to make it as her indoors has me on wall plastering and decorating the front room BOOOOO.

If I can escape her evil clutches and dig an escape tunnel to my computer corner then I will be there.

Wardog 8)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:54 am
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
:FI:Wardog wrote:Damn I may not be able to make it as her indoors has me on wall plastering and decorating the front room BOOOOO.

If I can escape her evil clutches and dig an escape tunnel to my computer corner then I will be there.

Wardog 8)
Now you understand the enthusiasm for wainscoting here :badgrin:

(Still you can fly while you're waiting for the plaster to dry ;) )

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:13 am
by :FI:Scott
I might make it this week, depends when I tip out of the pub.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:02 pm
by :FI:Wardog
:FI:Sneaky_Russian wrote:
Now you understand the enthusiasm for wainscoting here :badgrin:

(Still you can fly while you're waiting for the plaster to dry ;) )

Yeah LOL Trouble is I am at work during the day and only get to do the damn plastering in the evenings :cry:

Still hopefully I should have it all finished before then with any luck so fingers crossed I will be there to be a target for them hehehe :lol:


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:38 pm
by :FI:Genosse
=BgAF=Raven wrote:Hello =Fi= 8)

I propose one more duel between squadrons for the next friday (same time 21:00 Ur time).

I hope that you will be more pilots this time...So , if U want revenge...

RE-VEN-GE? Did you say RE-VEN-GE? :shock:

Count me in, Raven! I´ll pluck all your black feathers, m8!!!! :lol: ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:42 pm
by :FI:Mikester
So we gonna do this again on friday? Im in, hope you boys can make it :)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:50 pm
by :FI:Falcon
If I'm not there, it's cuz I'm dead.

Fal "bang-bang" con

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:32 pm
by :FI:Mikester
Spoke to Raven he thinks more =BgAF= will want to join so they are expecting between 10-13 pilots!

If we dont have enough pilots we will have to pull them in off the street ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:38 pm
by :FI:Wardog
Any chance we could do a desert map so we can try out franks new skin for the VC spit.

If we are going to go down in flames I'd like to have my best suit on hahahaha :lol:

Wardog ^:)

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:07 am
by :FI:Murph
Sorry to say I probably won't be there- equipment issues. See my post in the squadron section.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:09 am
by :FI:Gadje
I've made a Pacific matchup for Friday.

Mariannas map, Japan v RAF/US planeset.


Forward base-

A6M2 1940
Ki-43-1a 1941
Ki-27 1938

Rear base-

A6M3 1942
Ki-61-Ko 1942
Ki-43II 1942


Forward base-

P-40C 1941
Hurri IIb 1940
Gladiator 1937

Rear base-

P-40M 1942
Spit Vb 1941
F4F-4 1942

Light AAA at front bases, heavy AAA around rear bases. Hopefully this will function this time and help prevent too much base camping ;)

This planeset applies for both teams, however should one team have even one more player then mods will be used and the largest team will have this planeset.

Forward base-

U-2VS 1910BC

Rear base-

U-2VS 1915

Raven as Uber-Kommendant-thingy-traitorperson has agreed to this ImageImage


Good luck all see you Friday!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:54 pm
by =BgAF=Raven
Salut warriors!

We agreed on the setup,
but hope that e few corrections can be done.
Can you remove the A6M3, or replace it with A6M2-21. It is just too good for this planeset. In exchange you can remove P-40M or replace it with P-40E.
Furthermore P-400 can be added for the Red. It was historically there. The same applies for F4-F3.
We don't mind to have later Ki-61 variants included in the mission.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:01 am
by :FI:Gadje
Being a reasonable man Tipo the answer is no :p

A6M-3 and Spit Vb match well in favour of the Spit. The Spit actually outturns it a bit up to 275kph, is faster above 1K, climb speed advantage varies depending on height and most importantly the Spit isn't made of paper and lighter fuel :lol:

So if A6M-3 goes so does Spit Vb

Ki-61-ko and P-40M are pretty close too, P-40 has the edge. P-40E is so similar to M to make no difference.

I thought about P-400/P-39 D1 but my experience of flying them in this planeset is they totally dominate because of speed and firepower and sturdiness too making them unbeatable flown well.....I would like them in though, but for balance JA have nothing to match them IMO .

With this Allied have fastest, sturdiest and best turner in their ranks.

So you can fly blue if you want BgAF ;)

and lets face it you will outnumber us about 2-1 so why quibble? ;)

OK maybe the should be in but I hope it doesn't unbalance things.......anyone else mind if its in?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:19 pm
by :FI:Wardog
I have no probs with it even though they will rape us down low with them like last time :)
