Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:51 pm
you wanted the "Pilot School" thread moved too?
you wanted the "Pilot School" thread moved too?
Forum of the FIS and FIP
Phonetic Alphabets
The NATO phonetic alphabet:
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India
Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo
Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
[This alphabet dates from about 1955 and is approved by the
International Civil Aviation Organization, the FAA and the
International Telecommunication Union; note that different
bodies prefer different spellings, so one also sees:
Alfa Juliett Juliette Oskar Viktor]
RAF 1942-43:
Apple Beer Charlie Dog Edward Freddy George Harry In
Jug/Johnny King Love Mother Nuts Orange Peter Queen
Roger/Robert Suga Tommy Uncle Vic William X-ray Yoke/Yorker
[cf. aircraft in Dambusters raid: A-Apple B-Baker C-Charlie
E-Easy F-Freddie G-George H-Harry J-Johnny K-King L-Leather
(officially L-London) M-Mother N-Nuts O-Orange P-Popsie
S-Sugar T-Tommy W-Willie Y-York Z-Zebra]
German WWll
Anton Berta Caesar Dora Emil Friedrich Gustav Heinrich Ida
Josef Konrad/Kurfurst Ludwig Martha Nordpol Otto Paula
Quelle Richard Siegfried Toni Ulrich Viktor Wilhelm Xantippe
Ypern Zeppelin
(B-Bruno and F-Fritz were used in aircraft designations.)