If I may participate in this discussion too mates.
After our upcoming session in Historic Encounters on February 8 (tentative), I intend to host future sessions again with custom skins. Certainly I appreciate the amount of effort that has been done, and folks really love to fly with their Irish skins.
Many moons ago Noter was kind enough to provide H.E. participants with personalized, custom skins (including nose art). We loved them! It added a really nice aspect to the sessions that I wasn't really expecting.
However, it also resulted at times with some rather poor server performance when anyone showed up without
ALL the necessary skins.
See this is the deal folks: You can't just install your
OWN skins. That's
NO GOOD WHATSOEVER. If that’s all you do you are wasting everyone’s time. No, you must install
YES, ALL OF THEM. Otherwise, the server will spend hours (and hours) trying to deliver these large graphical files to everyone. Hence the reason no one saw any custom skins until the third mission. Transferring skins is a recipe for lag and warping, especially during takeoffs, in COOP missions.
A Simple Illustration of being Properly Prepared:
Participants - Heloego, Sneaky_Russian and TacticalS!
Flyable Planes - IL-2 Type 3M and La-5F
What do you need to do BEFORE the session?
- Download the custom skins for ALL THREE folks - Heloego, Sneaky_Russian and TacticalS! for BOTH the IL-2 Type 3M and La-5F planes, PLUS the generic custom skin for each of these planes in case a guest/visitor is playing (who MUST have ALL the skins too). That's
8 custom skins.
WITHOUT RENAMING any of these files (if you do then it’s buggered!), you place them in the proper skin directories of your IL-2 game install.
- You enable "Skins Downloads" in your game before joining (and the host does the same).
Now the magic happens when all these steps are followed. Miss one and she’s messed up. So what happens? Well, Heloego shows up with his nice :FI: sanctioned custom skin, TS!'s server says, “OK I have that skin and so does Sneaky. I don't need to transfer any files.†Everyone sees the skin right away by retrieving it quickly from their own hard drives. No warping or lag! In a very real sense it is like our :FI: skins were part of the default skins that came with our game, see?
On the other hand, if you are missing anyone’s skins, you rename any of the files, then the evening won’t be as enjoyable as it could have been. If you are unprepared, take the time to setup before joining, or turn off “Skins Download†on your end. I THINK this will prevent the server from dishing out the missing files, but you won’t correctly see the other planes (i.e., custom skins). Not ideal depending on the Icon settings.
Custom Pilot Faces and Noseart
Furthermore, folks I believe our servers will also be compromised if mates insist on using personal pilot faces and noseart (please correct me if I'm wrong here). Sure these files are a lot smaller, but if the host enables skins this stuff also gets bounced around during the session. So please refrain from using anything but the default pilot faces and noseart!