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IceFrog wrote:-

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:29 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
I was just reading a book about the RAF and this was one statement:
“British fliers helped immeasurably to shorten the war………in this huge contribution all RAF commands shared in proportion. But the costs struck disproportionately. Of the 70,253 RAF fliers killed in the war, 55,573 were in Bomber Command,”
Statistics Statistics..........obviously any loss is a tragedy, but if you divide the average crew compliment of Bombers into that figure the stats for bombers look better - unless youre flying daylight raids with the USAAF.
Just a case of having all your eggs in one basket.

And what of the forgotten statistics such as the radar groundcrew who suffered leukimia, before the effects of microwaves were understood?
(the uncle I never knew) ^:| to all the heroes.

Not a book but a link I saw over at Ubi:-

Great WWll vids+info

Good link Tact

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:41 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
found a priceless gem from Aussie Jim just below it too:-

conf.ini Guide

Started another DiD campaign...

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:06 pm
by Skipper
And its certainly got off to a flying start ;)

After last times 4 sortie disaster :? I'm hoping to last a little longer!Now I have to admit....I'm perhaps cheating slightly :roll: :shock: .First of all I have the Speedbar on (just incase I want to level bomb) and I also have modified the file so i'm flying in a B-25 but in Leningrad in 1942 so the odds are perhaps slightly in my favour when it comes to being up against fighters.It does however , not guarantee immunity from flak and AAA :)

The first mission sort of awoke me to how different the 2 scenarios of Leningrad and New Guinea are.Leningrad is much more intense and on occasions I felt like I was literally flying through walls of flak which can be quite unnerving ;) New Guinea on the other hand , the terrain was your largest enemy as even a minor hit to an engine or a fuel tank could leave you unable to get home beacuse of the mountains.

The first mission of this campaign wasn't so bad(attacking an A/F) and the erason I love this scenario so much is the targets of opportunity.I strafed a few trains up with my rear gunner before flying low over towns and A/F alike shooting up AAA and serachlights.I took a bad flak hit to my fuselage which killed my waist gunner and badly injured my rear gunner but we made it home no problem with a round trip of about 25 mins with about 10-15 of thse over target :D

I was credited with 3 planes on the ground , 3 guns and 11 vehicles but we did lose 2 A/C but both bailed and are "Missing".Otherwise a brilliant sortie.

Just wish I was flying for the RAF to get some RAF medals so I may alter it if possible to this...Jolly good show lads ;)
