Session 23rd March

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Re: Session 23rd March

Post by :FI:Gadje » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:41 am

Back on topic-

I have been thinking about missions for the sheds of the Finnish Winter/-Continuation war.
Trouble is it would greatly benefit from the flyables of the Sound Mod. However, slim chance of getting everyone together to make that work.

So I might try it with 4.08 .



I-16 type 18
Il-2 1st series
Hurri IIb
Mig 3


Hurri I

Mod would add P-36, Ms 406 and maybe a Blenheim I for the Finns which isn't that much I suppose.
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Re: Session 23rd March

Post by :FI:Bluebell » Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:20 pm

I also have a server sitting on the lobby that could host a nice historical full real dog fight scenario, machine matches are drying out!
Nice idea Mikey, plenty of scenarios for it, some bomber stuff thrown in as well and we could get a full house. It could replace the coops........... imagine a Sunday without the need for a restart :D

G, I kinda like flying the sheds, the Finnish/Russian stuff we've not done as coops, dont know why as its a big map and plenty of scope for different types of missions, if you need any help let me know what your looking for and I'll chip in.

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Re: Session 23rd March

Post by :FI:Scott » Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:48 am

I enjoy the coops but I still think there is a place for the machine matches.

When I joined the squadron the general format was that the machine match started first then . I think it worked well because everyone could hop in as and when they arrived so no missing out if you didn't make it for the coop firing up. It was sort of a warm up session which gave mates the chance to check out their settings and get used to flying- helpfull if you are mainly a once a week kind of man (flying gents, flying).

I also think that machine matches are a better place to learn some skills dogfighing wise.
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Re: Session 23rd March

Post by :FI:Macca » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:14 pm

:FI:Genosse wrote:Well, ... it looks like that I won´t be around on Sunday either ... easter family business I have to bear ... so I´d really appreciate it if someone could record the missions and sent them in to me ... just for the sake of creating some fancy screenshots ... :(

Anyhow, ... I´m currently working on a set of Operation August Storm COOP missions taking place in the Manchuria 1945 with a more or less historical planeset. One mission´s been done so there´re just five to go ...

More ideas incoming, folks? :-k
I'll do my best and try to record the missions, I am 95 % sure I'll be flying tomorrow (provided I can chase off my sister's son from his new racing game and driving wheel).

As for ideas - I'll look for some;)

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Re: Session 23rd March

Post by Sapper-FIN » Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:03 am

machine matches.
Did anyone say machine matches?? I miss machine matches :cry:


Oh, btw...

I´ll be in the air tonight... That LA-5 i can atually fly :D
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