This is probably the shortest part of the course and is also quite easy-atleast in my opinion

There are only two training missions you need to attend before being eligible to take an informal test to see if you make the grade.
Basic is just breaking you in to using the system of calculations with distance , speed and time.We will still be using landmarks to aid in Navigation and check we're getting our timings right

Lesson 1-A short introduction to using the calculations , how to note it down etc etc before a short ten minute flight in good conditions to break you in easily

Lesson 2-This is a set of way points before landing at a different airfield.This flight will be longer with a little more effort required but again its not too difficult.It's just getting you used to relying on timings before turning and heading onto the next waypoint as you will ahve to rely on this technique in bad weather or night conditions.
NB-We can play these missions over and over as much as the participants want until they get a feel for things.
When you feel you're ready to sit the test , let me know and we can do a 1 on 1 session where you fly a map with a course and I observe to check you know what you're doing.This can be done at the convenience of me and the pupil.
To aquire the Basic Navigation badge , where you have to fly a set course over certain areas in order before landing again at home.I will observe this flight and if you make the grade you'll get the badge(This isn't too hard as the time limit to complete is 30 mins but I did it in about 20)
I plan to perhaps run one or more classes a week if this takes off(get it

So I need a maximum of 3 pupils who are willing to come learn some basic navigation.Unfortunately one of you will ahve to host as my PC is no good

Thanks for reading

PS-Slots will be allocated on first come first served but I need to know before the session so Ican dispatch a map to those of you who are taking part.