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Post by Nightcat » Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:11 pm

I've found a free addictive online game, its like BF2 type, Call of duty.. well that genre and best of all... its free!" onclick=";return false;

Seriously, check it out - only a 200 meg-ish download and alot of fun.

The lowdown, its not as complicated or as fancy as BF2 - its alot more simpler but I managed to rack up a string of kills on my first game and second and .. on the fifth some high ranking folks were on the other side, and all the rookies on the other - so I'm thinking, we're gonna get owned... NOPE! seems rank doesn't unlock uber weapons and armour and the likes... so all in all, a very fair yet simply charming game ^^

Games are fairly short with fairly short objective, isn't time consuming at all.

Make your own thoughts, opinions - would be fasinating to hear. :D

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