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Post by :FI:Genosse » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:11 am


I really think we should seriously think about a curriculum for our flight school since we haven´t finished this discussion yet. In my humble opinion we should keep its main structure quite simple (Basic/Advanced/Special training). Although I know that we can´t handle all aspects of each main chapter in a couple of hours I´d like to ask you to minimize the contents as far as possible.

As Falcon pointed out yesterday and how Heloego already did it we need to give our students some kind of briefing background information about the lesson and some that we like to offer.

Here´s the curriculum we have worked out so far:
Chapter 1 - Basics

1. Introduction to Aircraft/Controls (Understanding the Aircraft, Introduction to Instruments)
2. Inroduction to Aircraft Handling (Taxi, Take-Off, Basic Flight, and Landing)
3. Basic Navigation

Chapter 2 - Advanced Training

1. Advanced Navigation (Using "Full Real" Settings)
2. Engine Management (Throttle, Prop, and Temperature Control)
3. Formation Flying (Combat, and Non-Combat)
4. Behaviour in Exceptional Situations)
5. Gunnery (Using Guns/Convergence Settings Wisely, Target Practice)
6. Air Combat Maneuvers
7. Dogfighting

Chapter 3 - Specialized Training

1. Ops Planning and Management
2. Ground Assault for fighters
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Advanced Ground Assault (Methodology)
... c) Tactics and Coordination
3. Ground Assault for bombers
... a) Introduction(Basics/Aircraft Familiarization/Ordinance)
... b) Advanced Ground Assault (Methodology)
... c) Tactics and Coordination
4. Level Bombing
... a) Flight Planning
... b) Bombsight Use
5. Air Traffic Control (Zen and the Art of Pilot/Aircraft Management)
6. Individual Aircraft Instruction includes a separate sub-point for various aircraft Intros.
Here´s a change I´d like to do on chapter 1 and chapter 2:
Chapter 1 - Basics

1. Introduction to Aircraft/Controls (Understanding the Aircraft, Introduction to Instruments)
2. Air Traffic Control
3. Inroduction to Aircraft Handling (Taxi, Take-Off, Basic Flight, and Landing)
4. Engine Management (Throttle, Prop, and Temperature Control)
5. Behaviour in Exceptional Situations

Chapter 2 - Advanced Training

1. Navigation (Using "Full Real" Settings)
2. Formation Flying (Combat, and Non-Combat)
3. Gunnery (Using Guns/Convergence Settings Wisely, Target Practice)
4. Air Combat Maneuvers
5. Dogfighting
The main idea behind my version of the basic training is that the student has to learn how to handle her/his plane exactly before advancing to the next chapter (I wouldn´t let my sons drive my car although they know how to drive it in theory :p ).

Any takers? :-k
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Post by Skipper » Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:01 am

Sounds like a good idea to just keep the Navigation in one place.I can split it in to 3 or so parts anyway:

1.Navigating with landmarks and time/distance (Not full real)

2.Navigating with landmarks and time/distance (Full real)

3.Navigating with landmarks but more emphasis on time/distance(Full real but in bad weather , night conditions or both!)

Obviously Part three is much harder than part one but after a few hours I'm sure we can all master it ;)

Skipper :)
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Post by :FI:Sneaky_Russian » Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:17 pm

From what I heard on TS things are shaping up really well. ^:|

Contrary to your own doubts on it ; I think having Genosse and Falcon doing a "double act" added a pace to the proceedings, which with a full class could be a positive thing and help keep students on thier toes Not only do you have specialized instruction from each, you have a live tower
giving out ATC.(I was "immersed" just listening on TS).

Well done to instructors amd student.

A study sheet for each lesson giving necessary info on what will be covered, plus a glossary of terms to familiarize the students with what will be expected would be a help to both students and instructors.
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Post by :FI:Dr_Strangelove » Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:20 pm

One thing you might want to add is basic maneuvers somewhere in there. Like the Split S etc. I have seen how these look but cannot for the life of me figue out when to use them or how to perform them to perfection.
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Post by :FI:Sneaky_Russian » Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:07 pm

See chapter 2.4

(incidentally J-O covers split-s, immelman, barrel-roll and basic wingman technique in BFS as soon as T&G, take-off and landing and the basics have been covered)
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Post by :FI:Dr_Strangelove » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:26 pm

:FI:Sneaky_Russian wrote:See chapter 2.4

(incidentally J-O covers split-s, immelman, barrel-roll and basic wingman technique in BFS as soon as T&G, take-off and landing and the basics have been covered)
Oops, missed that one. And I signed up for JO and was accepted starting in August. I still need to figure out if I can make it but it should be ok.
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