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Post by :FI:Dr_Strangelove » Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:37 pm

Thanks for the kind words Genosse. I am in no hurry to rush into anything. So far this week I have been setting all my controls every night slowly trying to get everything in working order. The big problem I am having right now is with my stick, as my settings are still whacked out a bit. One would think the P51 should fly pretty smoothly, but as it stands, something is causing me some grief in the control department. ( No worries, I will get it sorted out)

So far this week I managed to fly about 10 missions in an offline campaign and RTB every time with at least the body of the plane still in tact. I still can't dogfight to save my ass, but thats nothing new. I have however still retained some of my groundpounding skills, so thats a good sign.

The reason I have not made it online with you guys yet is that I am trying to get all the nuances sorted BEFORE I make an appearance. I would hate to waste anyones time trying to help me set up things, when I can do it on my own.

If my time opens up on Friday night, believe me, I will be there. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you all on the weekend.

As of right now, I do not think Friday will work for me this week, but you can bet that I will show up on Saturday or Sunday to say hello. I just hope I do not embarras myself too much :)
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Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:22 pm

Dr_Strangelove wrote:I just hope I do not embarras myself too much :)
Oddly enough the word embarrass is spelled with "ass" at the end for some strange reason. :lol: ;)

As you know you are most welcome to join any session of Historic Encounters (Friday nights). While we will be starting Normandy 1941 this week, and intend to play it for the next 3 sessions, folks don't (and some usually can't) fly in all the sessions.

All you do need, however, is to be setup properly to join these unique sessions (i.e., custom plane skins and specific callsign). I will be soon posting a detailed checklist on what to do and expect Friday night.

With regard to the Mustang, as she tends to need more rudder trimming than some Allied rides, I wonder if maybe you are not fully aware of the need to constantly trim your rudder nowadays in IL-2? Do you find the plane not flying nice and straight ahead, especially when changing speed/altitude? Got your trim all figured out?

Last edited by :FI:TacticalS! on Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by :FI:Dr_Strangelove » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:30 pm

There I go again with the spelling. I really do know how to spell, it's my typing that needs work.

Anyways, the last experience I had with IL2 was in the 3.X patch days about a year ago. Maybe the problem is the trimming, I just don't know. I do have all the trim set up and find I need to adjust it constantly.
Last edited by :FI:Dr_Strangelove on Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by :FI:TacticalS! » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:35 pm

Indeed. There have been a number of changes introduced to the FM since that time. Rudder trim is probably the most noticeable. My guess is that this is probably the real culprit behind what you perceive to be a problem (which it is flying against German AC but there's nothing we can do except trim and trim some more, and trim again . . .). :D
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Post by :FI:COM » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:39 pm

You have made a very wise decision, Sir. And, at the risk of boasting, I'll say you will not, cannot find a more diverse and hilarious group of pilots, (real/virtual) bikers, computr geeks, students, a published writer, a wainscotting fetishist, ferret lovers and a rubber-elbowed operal-gloved club. When does your initiation start? ~S~
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Post by :FI:RULES » Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:31 pm

:lol: First of all wellcome to the nutt-house, secondly don´t ever listen to .COM...He has changed his call-sign an that with a good reason...

He is a sweet man non the less and has his good side´s as well...

Your joy-problems most likely has to do with the latest FM of the game, no fret you will get in to it soon, i´m sure...
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Welcome to the Boards, M8!

Post by :FI:Heloego » Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:13 am

Once you get all "patched up", settle in with TeamSpeak and HyperLobby, get some scratch together and pick up a new or used TrackIR you can then show
me how to fly these damned things.

Someone said I'm supposed to fold the wings down, but I've been around these jokers long enough to suspect their motives. ;)
...and wear your feckin' mask!!!!! :x
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