Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30

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Tom Doniphon
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Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30

Post by Tom Doniphon » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:54 am

Any of you guy get this game? I had it waiting on my doorstep when I got home today, along with Silent Hunter III which I picked up at the store. I have only just loaded Silent Hunter II, but I loaded and played around with BiA for about 45 minutes. Very nice game (so far), really sucks you in with the almost in a movie type approach the developers have taken.

Multiplay should be totally different from the standard FPS fare, in that it has as much to do with squad management, as running and gunning.

Looking forward to the weekend when I can really give it a shakedown.


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Post by :FI:Moog » Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:23 am

Tom, be sensitive to the various international release dates please!

The game is released here in Ireland and in the UK on Friday 18th March and those countries to which it must be localised even later than that.

I have had a copy reserved for a few weeks now but I distinctly recall that the first BiA movie I downloaded back in February of last year - alas, my girlfriend had wireless T3 connectivity at her apartment on campus and I was able to d/l the 100 or so megs in around five minutes. Would that I could these days! I have been keeping track of the game - every download and press release - ever since.

I look forward to fighting with/against you in the next few days; that's more than some of the other mates can boast in legality ;)
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Post by Tom Doniphon » Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:07 pm


Oh yeah...the bloody game hasn't been released in all locals yet. Ouch...hope my glee at getting it didn't sting to badly. I do know how that hurts as occassionally companies have Euro releases months before the states. Still, a few days before you get it...they will fly by!

Keep in mind a patch which is already available for it. I was fortunate to read about it the day before the game delivered so had it on my desktop ready to install.

Look forward to trying out the 3 F's with ya!


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Post by :FI:Macca » Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:11 pm

Yep....Poland.....8 -10 April if everything goes well. But I'll join you, I have ordered my copy. Can't wait to see the multiplayer....
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Post by Tom Doniphon » Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:57 pm

Cool Macca :)

I read today over in the SimHQ news that you can actually download the entire game (not Warez) in lieu of getting a box copy. Not sure what the cost is, or if all the manuals (the manual is pretty good BTW) can be obtained electronically, or if they can mail it to you, but for the real impatient player, it's another option to explore.

Either way, look forward to playing and comparing notes with you once you get it.


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B I A R T H 30

Post by :FI:Dutchman » Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:15 pm

Okee i'll check the stores this afternoon,

but I will be in Asap.

Update 17-03-2005 15:10 h.

I''ve got it so meet me soon online lets team up Guys !!!



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Post by Ianus » Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:20 am

Has anyone seen any reviews/ heard any reports of this game yet. From what I've heard/seen it is meant to be awesome. :shock: I read someone saying that Moh Cod were not even in the same league,, heady priase indeed. :-k

Be nice to hear about it from a more reliable source,,, lol #-o
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Post by Tom Doniphon » Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:30 pm


Here's a link to a PC review of the game from IGN. Similar reviews have been offered by other game sites for the X-Box version. That version came out a couple of weeks earlier.

I'll give you a quick (I'm still playing the game) thumbnail of what I have experienced so far.

a) Manual - Not bad. All through the game from the manual to the opening movie, etc. The developers try to hammer home the notion that the guys you have in your unit are real, and unique, and you want to take care of them. The manual does this by giving you back stories on all of them. Of course it also covers the nuts ad bolts of moving about, firing weapons, etc. It's not like a manual we had in the old days, but for the pockets sizes that are the norm's decent.

b) Installation - I've already forgotten most of this, but it's all on one disk, and was trouble free from what I remember.

c) GUI - Once again pretty good. Things are laid out logically, and without much muss or fuss you are able to jump right in the game. Loading "Chapters" as they call the levels you progress, can take an unusually long time. This becomes more apparent and frustrating if you die a lot. Not that I really!

d) Training Missions - They don't have any. What they do instead is to ease you into the game, and it's tactical control options gradually. It's done in such a way, that you hardly notice your learning new things. Would that high school have been like this.

e) Graphics/Sounds - Pretty darn nice for both. Graphics look very good, a step up from COD or MOH, but not quite (IMO) to the level of Half Life or Doom. Sounds are very well done. It's a pleasure to hear chatter from guys under fire that actually has some meaning to it, and not just be filler noise.

f) Icons - I've turn off all that I can. They allow for a bevy of icons which tell you if an enemy is suppressed, etc. I prefer to not have them on, as they just kill the immersion for me. The little blue circle that is displayed when you move your men about is to my knowledge unavoidable, as are the icons which display when you want to have your team fire on an enemy location. Other than those, I'm icon free. A compass does display in the lower left corner showing where your men are, and which direction your mission objective is. I'm thinking I might be able to eliminate that, but it has proven useful, and it's not to obtrusive. Your mileage may vary.

g) Gameplay - Love it! It's so nice to have a game where the guys on your side are more than just mindless automatons (like my boss at work). The AI team does a pretty good job of finding cover when necessary, suppressing the enemy, and calling out when a enemy soldier (or friendly) is down, or is moving. They aren't perfect, but it's a huge step forward from games like COD, and MOH.

The game is scripted, but the script isn't to heavy handed. I also don't get the sense while playing that I'm forced to move down a narrow path to complete the objective. An objective that in many games can only be completed in one way. You can't roam completely unfettered, but you have enough latitude to complete most objectives by more than one approach.

h) Multiplay - My experience was limited to a total of 5 minutes so far. I went online primarily to see the steps necessary to create, or join a game. I did end up joining the first 2 vs 2 game I came across. It was hosted by someone from Italy. I was delighted to find once the game started that I experienced zero lag/warping/stuttering. Smooth was how the gameplay could best be described. It remained that way during the 3 times I was killed in the 5 minutes I played. Yeah...I mostly suck.

i) Summation - So far, so good. If you live for ultra realism, you will find a lot of things not to like about this game, but then you will find lot's of things not to like about IL-2/FB/Aces/PF, Beverly Hillbilly's, Flinstones, etc. Overall for me it's a winner. And if I were to rate it on a 1 to 10 scale with 10 being highest. I'd give it a 9.

This isn't one of those professional type reviews, but hope it helps a little. BTW, a demo is due out very soon!!
Last edited by Tom Doniphon on Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by :FI:Moog » Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:05 pm

I've been waiting for the game for 16 months...

I reserved it two weeks ago...

It was released in Ireland yesterday...

I left work at 4 o'clock, strolled expectantly into town, walked up to the counter at the game shop and asked for my game. The guy said it wasn't in yet! I asked if this meant that THEY didn't have it or that there were no copies yet in the entire country. He said "Oh you can be sure it's not in the country yet..." I strolled over to another retailer and picked myself up a copy there and then :lol:

I'd agree with a lot of what Tom Doniphon was saying; one thing that really annoyed me was FPS performance and the loading times (1-2 minutes between levels/lives) so I checked the game's official forums for help. This is cut dramatically when you turn off VSync!!! I didn't pay heed at first when I disabled it from the game's options as I saw no effect but then (it was half-three in the morning at this stage) I realised that I had VSync locked to 'on' using external 3D card software. I turned this off, went back to the game, and was able to bump the graphics all the way back up, set the resolution at 1600x1200, and fret that the loading times were now an intolerable 5-10 seconds 8)

Check it out, m8s, but make sure there's no VSync in sight.[/i]
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Post by Tom Doniphon » Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:29 pm


Thanks for the VSync tip. I will make that change directly!


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Post by Ianus » Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:55 pm

Thankyou Tom,
From what you have said it looks a definate. Everyone rates it!!

Just got to get the requisite beer vouchers now and I'm away :lol:

What are you two playing it on btw. Am using XP2800 (Barton) and a 9800 pro,, up to the job you think? [-o<

:yumyum: :sheep: :beer:
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Post by Tom Doniphon » Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:50 pm


I've got a 3200 with 1 gig of ram and a 9800 pro. I have everything maxed, playing on 1600 x 1200 4x Anti Alasing, Vsync is off. ;) (that did the trick on the load times)

The game looks and plays great for me! I just started a chapter where I have control of a tank. Very cool.

I'm not racing through the game, but am savoring each chapter. Well, that and I started up Silent Hunter III which is also amazing, and taking a fair bit of my gaming time.

Thinking about it, Ubi Soft products (whether it's lucky of them or not), represent the best games I own now, i.e. IL-2 Series, BiA, and SH3.

Who'd a thunk?


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Post by :FI:Macca » Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:35 am

I agree.I played a bit of BiA on friends Xbox and I'm amazed,can't wait for my copy which will arrive in ApriclAnd as for the Silent Hunter game - I will buy it too when it is released im my country. I had SH1, SH2 (was realy por) and as far as I know the third of the series is totally fantabulous.Aces of the Deep with lovely graphics....Can't wait for it either.


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Post by :FI:ZekeMan » Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:33 pm

I've been eyeing this game for a bit now. The only thing that has kept me from picking it up (besides the obvious...lack of funds) is that I feared it would be too much like MOH and COD where soldier bunny hop to avoid fire and run around to pick up gawd awful amounts of ordnance and weapons and there are first aid packs laying all over the place for you to step on to be healed. Then I wasn't sure if it was like MS Close Combat , where everything had to be controlled by the player. Its a FPS but with a command function built in, correct?


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Post by Stovies_ » Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:50 pm

I got it the other day,

I hope they up the number of online players in a game!!!

a max of four per game?? or am I wrong :?:
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