Hi guys,
Everything is going well

. I'm still in Austin, TX! About four years ago I quit my software development job at my friends company to try for the first time to work for myself. I've been working on an indie video game since then. I'm doing everything myself and even though I have many years of experience as a software developer it was my first time working seriously on a video game (I've made small toy games in my spare time before, but all of them simple and 2D). I've been working primarily offline these last four years to avoid distractions and have had little time for playing online games

Now after exploring many false directions I'm finally getting close to unveiling my first game. I showed the game to FI gathered at Conrad's place and to his little kids, but besides them only a handful of friends have played it. Eventually I will be running a public alpha/beta test of the game, but before then and before I reveal it to the public I really want to show it to more friends that I trust (like the FI) and play test in larger groups.
The game is sort of a picture of what an ideal game of this type would be to me. It's a bit odd and breaks many conventions, but I wanted to make no personal compromises. I'd really like to show the game and see what you and my other m8s think about it

. It does have flying and shootin' in it and is a competitive online game so I think at least some of you might like it

plus you know the kind of missions I liked to host. The game is in stealth mode right now so I can't point you to any publicly available information on it. But any of my FI friends that wants to give it a shot can send me an email and I will send them a test build and join them online during a future play testing session

. I'm still recovering from a flu I got on the flight back, but as soon as I'm better I will be back to working on it. I'm working on completing late join support but as soon as that is done I'll probably start regular weekly play tests.
I'd love to visit some time

. Amanda and I will never forget the last time you cooked for us

!!! I'd love for you to visit us in Austin

. This last trip to Europe was the first time I had a serious vacation these last four years, but I'm hoping after I release this baby to have more time to travel and visit friends
