I can absolute understand if you would like to restart another campaign, maybe restarting Moscow another time, just to keep a bit change in the maps. We use the map since unbelivable 7 months
I would prefer to create a small "task group" of both sides to create a frame of an following campaign, which deals with
- even & levelled planeset
- target of campaign (instead conquering a certain location, we could determine a certain campaign end date and count the conquered locations by each side)
- war theatre
- multiple maps campaign advancing over several different theatres . Like using a certain set of small campaigns, which provides the advantage, of quick changing maps after maybe 5 weeks.
(e.g. Stalingrad -> Kursk-> Hungary /Bessarabia-> Normandy / Finland39 -> Hawai 41-> Afrika 42 -> Italy 43 -> Manchuria...etc pp). That would mean we could use basically the org. DCG campaigns, adapting to our needs.
- one map campaign (maybe Slovakia or Bessarabia as jewels of Il2 maps)
- using oil /industry or not
- using downgrade planes or not, if yes what resupply rates.
- what ground vehicles (e.g. PzIVF2 vs T34-76)
- using static plane count or not
- providing same initial war information for both sides
- all other questions I cant remember for now
I dont know Bellum campaign, but am open to all.
I guess in general a campaign should hit some requirements for most of our pilots,
like Moving Dogfight and a dynamic frontline. MDS provides a certain AI framework, so you are
not dependant to human dogfights only, which can sometimes be hard to find on bigger maps.
Dogfight mode keeps shot or crashed pilots in game, otherwise SEOW would had been a great way ,but Coop only,ashame.
All in all the way was and is always the target for me in the moscow campaign and will probably be in following ones.I really enjoy the evenings at the end of the week.